Bentley Automation Service Help

i-model Publishing Options Dialog

The Options dialog is used to configure i-model publishing settings and opens when you click the Options button on the iCS for i-models tab of the Job Builder dialog.

The options available in this dialog depend on which type(s) of i-models you selected to create on the iCS for i-models tab of the Job Builder dialog.

For example, if on the iCS for i-models tab you turned on:

  • Create intermediate files, then you will see the Intermediate section of options.
  • Create a package file, then you will see the Package section of options.
  • Create an i-model (.imodel) file, then you will see the i-model section of options.

All three of these sections contain a Naming convention profile option. A naming convention profile is a template with settings that define how the files that get created by this job are to be named.

The Workspace Override, Command Line Override, and Publish sections are available regardless of which type of i-models you are creating.

Intermediate Options

Naming convention profile Sets the naming convention profile to be used for all intermediate files that get created by this job. This profile defines the name (file name and document name), description, and extension to be applied to the intermediate files created by the job. There is one delivered naming convention profile for intermediate files which is applied by default. If you want to edit the delivered naming convention profile, select a different profile, or create a new profile, click in the Naming convention profile field and then click the ... button that appears in the field.

Package Options

Naming convention profile Sets the naming convention profile to be used for all package files that get created by this job. This profile defines the name (file name and document name), description, and extension to be applied to the package files created by the job. There is one delivered naming convention profile for package files which is applied by default. If you want to edit the delivered naming convention profile, select a different profile, or create a new profile, click in the Naming convention profile field and then click the ... button that appears in the field.
Protection options

Sets the level of protection for all package files created by this job.

Do not try to edit this field directly. Instead, click in the field and click the Browse (...) button to the right. The Protection Settings dialog opens:

  • Protection

    Used to specify a password or certificate for opening the package file.

    • Everyone — If set, the package files will not be protected, and users will not be required to specify a password or certificate to open them.
    • Password — Selecting the Password option displays a field for you to enter a password. If set, the package file will be protected by the password you enter here, and users will be prompted to enter this password when they go to open the package file.
    • Certificate — Selecting the Certificate option displays a certificate field, along with two buttons (Choose certificate, and Choose certificate file) for selecting your certificate. If set, the package file will be protected by the certificate you specify here, and users will be prompted to specify this certificate when they go to open the package file.
  • Rights

    Select which additional actions that users can perform on the package file. By definition, an i-model is always read-only, therefore the View right is always on and the Edit right is always off, and both are disabled from changing. If necessary, you can turn on Export and/or Print if you want users to be able to export and/or print (from ProjectWise) the package file.

  • Expires

    Select an expiration date to completely lock the file after a certain date, regardless of the rights or protection. Enter a date in the text field (format: YYYY/MM/DD), or click the Choose Expiration Date button to open the calendar and select a date.

i-model Options

Naming convention profile Sets the naming convention profile to be used for all i-model files that get created by this job. This profile defines the name (file name and document name), description, and extension to be applied to the i-model files created by the job. There is one delivered naming convention profile for i-model files which is applied by default. If you want to edit the delivered naming convention profile, select a different profile, or create a new profile, click in the Naming convention profile field and then click the ... button that appears in the field.
Embed documents The i-model file by default includes the package file. If you want to include other documents in the i-model, click in this field and then click the Browse (...) button to the right. The Embed Documents dialog opens, which lets you add ProjectWise documents, folders, and/or saved searches. Add the items you want to include and click OK.
Note: The documents you select will be embedded into all i-model files created by the job. Create separate jobs if you want different documents to be embedded in different i-model files. Also, you should only embed documents that support or provide additional information related to the i-model, such as PDF or Microsoft Word documents. Do not try to embed other i-models - they will be ignored if added.

Workspace Override Options

If needed, you can configure the job to process the documents in the input set using a workspace on the network instead of the assigned workspace in ProjectWise, if there is one.

To configure a workspace override:

  1. Click in the field for the workspace version you want to use (CONNECT or V8i).
  2. Click the browse button (...).
  3. In the dialog that opens, select your CONNECT or V8i workspace on the network.
CONNECT Options Used to specify the location of a CONNECT Edition workspace on the network that will be used to process the documents in the input set. This will override any MicroStation CONNECT Edition managed configuration that might be assigned to the documents in ProjectWise. Also, this option is required if you want your documents to be processed using a configuration from a CONNECT Edition version of MicroStation that ProjectWise does not support for managed configurations.
V8i Options Used to specify the location of a V8i workspace on the network that will be used to process the documents in the input set. This will override any V8i managed workspace or workspace profile that might be assigned to the documents in ProjectWise.

Command Line Override Options

Use this field to specify any command line arguments that you want your i-model publishing engine to be launched with. The command line arguments you set here will override any command line arguments that happen to be set on the ProjectWise applications that are associated to the documents in the input set.

Publish Options

Publish settings Sets which publishing settings the i-model publishing engine will use.

To change which publishing settings are used, click in the Publish settings field and click the ... button that appears in the field. This opens the Publish Settings dialog with a list of possible i-model publishing settings. It may be that your i-model publishing engine does not yet support some of these settings, therefore you should only turn on the settings that you know exist in the application you are using as the i-model publishing engine. Turning on a setting that your application does not support may cause your job to fail.

See your i-model publishing engine's product documentation for details about these settings.

Raster option Click in the Raster option field to select an option:
  • Not Supported (default) - Set this option to prevent the job from failing when processing files with raster references, if you are using an i-model publishing engine in which these raster publishing options do not exist. When this option is set, raster references will be removed from the i-model.
  • Exclude - Removes the raster references from the i-model.
  • Keep Original - The i-model retains the references to the original raster files.
  • Reduce Size - Reduces the size of the raster references. If you are creating a package file, then the raster files are both reduced in size and embedded in the package file. If you are creating intermediate files, then the raster files are reduced in size but still kept as references to the intermediate files.